Wednesday, August 19, 2009

First post, woo! :)

Hi! My name is Mary. I'm 17 years old. I like to read. I read a lot. I have made this blog for a reason, which will be explained later. I'm the oldest of 6 children. I'm going to be a junior in high school. People tell me I'm funny, in a witty sort of way. I'm still trying to figure out what that means. I also like music, a lot. But everyone says that.

So, I guess I should tell you why I made this blog. Well, I had an idea while I was watching Julie&Julia (very good movie, btw). In the movie, a woman named Julie Powell decides that, since she likes cooking, she was going to cook her way through Julia Child's cookbook and write a blog about it. And the movie is all about Julie's experiences and it flows between pieces of Julie's life, and pieces of Julia's life. As I was sitting there, watching, I had an idea.

There is a list (which can be found here: of 1,001 books that you should read before you die. I have looked at this list in the past and dismissed it as being a bunch of classics that I didn't want to read, or that I wouldn't understand. But, like I said before, I had an idea. What if I made a blog, and I read each and every book on that list, and I blogged about it? What it's about, and my personal review of it, from a teenager's point of view. So, no, I'm not copying Julie Powell. At all, really.

And, since there a lot of books on that list (1,001, to be exact), I am not going to put a deadline for myself to have to read all of these books. Right now, it's still summer, but in two weeks, I will be a junior in high school, and I'll have work to do. A lot of work to do. And, it's junior year, so I'll have college stuff on top of everything else.

And, I'll probably talk a little about myself here and there, as things come up.

So, that's it really. All the background stuff, so I guess it's time number one! :)

Well, I just looked it up, and it's actually number 883, but, for me, it's number one.

Yes, it is A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. And, yes, I am using this pick for my own personal use. A Tale of Two Cities is my summer reading book for the honors English class I'm taking next year.

This is a link to a biography of Charles Dickens:

This is a link to the Sparknotes page for A Tale of Two Cities:

And, that's all! I'll probably post my first review in the next couple of days or so, depending on what I'm doing.

Have you read A Tale of Two Cities before? Then feel free to leave a comment saying what you thought about it, or if you think I'm completely insane for taking on such a huge task (my best friend thought I was). Either way, I'd definitely read them! :)

See you around,


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